February 12, 2007

Trouser Snakes On a Plane

This past Friday, a 66 y/o German tourist was arrested at Manila's Ninoy Aquino International Airport before he caught his flight back to Frankfurt. The Philippine Daily Inquirer reports that Hans Juergen Oskar von Naguschewski (♪ His name is my name too.) is scheduled to appear in court today, facing allegations of "alarm & scandal" and "acts of lasciviousness."

Apparently, so irked by security's request to submit to a second x-ray scan, a disgruntled Hans Juergen Oskar von Naguschewski chose to drop trow before proceeding through the machine another time. Security, however, did not find the bare-skinned German's antics amusing. Hans Juergen Oskar von Naguschewski was quickly collared and charged with "public scandal".

The airport's Assistant General Mgr. for Security told reporters that Hans Juergen Oskar von Naguschewski triggered the alarm on his first pass and the gate agents were only following policy. "He must have been annoyed that he was asked to walk through the X-ray twice so he took off his pants." The Inspector Clouseau-like Asst. GM also stressed that "What we are doing is being done and implemented as standardized international regulation in all international airports in the world."

Hans Juergen Oskar von Naguschewski has already appeared on Filipino TV apologizing for the incident; saying that he "did not understand the procedure." I'm sure he's plenty sorry too, because Herr von Naguschewski was transported from the airport directly to a police detention center where he will be held until his trial. If convicted, Hans Juergen Oskar von Naguschewski faces six months to a year in a Filipino prison. For his sake, I hope he doesn't get too "annoyed" with his cell mates.


  1. thank you for bringing this story to light for me! I do hope the guy isn't convicted - it seems a pretty harsh punishment for dropping your drawers!

  2. I know! Poor guy. Poor Hans Juergen Oskar von Naguschewski. Could you imagine? I just did a search for an update but didn't find anything. Except, that since he issued an apology on TV, the airport could (COULD) drop the charges.

  3. Here I thought you were going to divulge the ending to Snakes on a Plane, which is going to be the V-Day movie Steve and I are going to watch...nothing but quality for us two love birds.

    But speaking of inappropriate behavior on planes, did you hear the latest about Ralph Finnes (English Patient)? He got a Quantas flight attendant fired for partaking in the act to join the mile-high club. I guess it was a long flight from Sydney to Mumbai.

    Good on ya, mate!

  4. Hey now! I would expect that kind of behavior from that rascal Joseph, but not Ralph.

    But the FA was fired huh? I hope he didn't give her a small tip. (ba-dum-bump!)

    And Anya, the movie is called "Snakes On A Plane". I don't think anyone can ruin it for 'ya. It's about snakes...on an airplane. Like with "Revenge Of The Nerds", you should know what to expect.

  5. Yeah, and for some strange reason that movie just wasn't very good. I think I needed a bit more whiskey in me to really enjoy it. LOST was so much better. The bigger question was why was it even in our Netflix que to begin with??

  6. HA! Small Tip! Good one. That guy was crazy to do something like that in an airport these days. Not even Borat does crazy things in airports.


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