February 05, 2007

The Super Bowl Muffle

A few weeks ago we had a cold snap that kept us around 0 for a few days. I thought that -17 wind chill was crisp. This morning, the actual temperature is -17. The w/c: -34. Public schools stayed open, but many Twin Cities charter schools are closed today. Actually, the bus company that provides service to these schools requested it. Many of their buses run on bio-diesel. Apparently, at these temps, the fuel can turn to gel; ruining engines and potentially leaving bus loads of benumbed schoolchildren stranded on the road; or worse, at the bus stop. It was probably a good move.

Even though -17 is Siberia-like cold, it's probably nothing compared to the chilly reception #8 is going to get when he returns to the Windy City. I can't even say anything more about the game.

Although, I do wonder if Prince would have dropped as many balls?

I read a good joke in the Chicago Tribune this morning: A Bears supporter was driving home from the game when he spotted a Colts fan walking along the road. For fun, he swerved towards him, veering away just in time. Though he was certain he missed the guy, he heard a loud thud. The Bears fan glanced in his mirrors but didn't see anything. "What was that?" he asked his friend in the back seat. "I thought I missed that Colts fan." "You did" replied his friend, "But I got him with the door."

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is Brrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
    -17 below??? That's insane! I think I'm liking being a bit south more and more. Although it is pretty cold in Va too. Not -17 below cold, but thats just craziness. :)


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