May 09, 2009


Spring hit us with a resplendent POW! this week. It was like a switch was flicked and the swelling buds were finally free to split their seams. I love the newness of this time. There is restoration and revival all around. It's invigorating! Remember that tree in our front yard? It lit itself up the other day in an explosion of soft, white, efflorescence. It's radiant.

Our tallest little one seems to have inherited my fondness for flora. She's pointing out the "sprouts" everywhere we go. "Look! It's SPROU-TED!" she hollers; much like she did with the holiday lights in the middle of winter. It's darling.

When you hear her impassioned tone, one can't help but remember, or realize, just how significant Springtime really is. I need to thank her for that. It's amazing how fast things grow.

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