December 07, 2006

The place is glacial

It is 0 degrees this morning. Zero. 32 degrees below freezing. If you happen to be reading this anywhere else in the world, besides the US, that's -17 Celsius. Which, interestingly enough, is exactly how cold it feels in Fahrenheit when you factor in the wind chill right now. Studies have also shown that -17 is way colder than a witch's teat.

I guess they don't call this place the Icebox Of The Nation for nuthin'. Have I mentioned I'm living in Minnesota?


  1. Yikes! I thought it was chilly here - mid 40's during the day. Suddenly I feel so warm...

  2. It really hasn't been too cold here yet. Although, I think winter hasn't even officially started. Last night was brutal though. I would really appreciate 40 right now. Really appreciate it. Aren't you from Alaska? 40 is far from chilly!

  3. Gosh it was a balmy 15 degrees here today.. I think 5 to 10 w/ wind chill. UGH! I hate winter here... Bet your lovin' having two toddlers in this weather! :(

  4. We put them in their snow suits just to take them to the car!


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