October 10, 2007

Note To Self:

Take a deep Pranayama breath...

My children are not trying to be defiant or rebellious on purpose. They're just expressing their growing independence and do not have the language skills to easily express their needs. Ideal children do not always agree with their parents. Ideal parenting does not prevent the Terrible Twos; it only helps children navigate them.

Breathe out.

Breathe in...

My children are not trying to be defiant or rebellious. They're just expressing their growing independence and...

Happy second birthday babies. You are my joy.


  1. Happy birthday! I was actually just trying to remember if they were turning 2 this month or 3!

  2. Happy, Happy Birthday Girls! I can't believe they are 2 already!


  3. Yup, two. It's hard to believe myself sometime.


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