October 08, 2007

Czech Your Head

After tolerating months of idle speculation and allegation, a proud father in the Czech Republic decided to take Maury Povich measures in an attempt to quell the rumors that were flying rampant down at his local saloon. Libor himself thought it odd that his infant daughter, Nikolka, bore no resemblance to him, whatsoever; but could only take so much of his drinking buddie's jabber about his wife's alleged infidelity. So, to shut their mouths once and for all, he scheduled a paternity test. And wouldn't you know it, he was not the father. So Libor Broza confronted his wife, Jaroslava Trojanova, who denied any extracurricular activity and, to prove so, submitted to a DNA test herself. And wouldn't you know it, she was not the mother. Surprise!

The couple quickly questioned the local hospital and found that 4 other girls were born that same day, 10 months ago. It didn't take long to identify the parents who took possession of their biological child in a, apparently, really bad mistake. However, along with Nikolks'a physical appearance, there were other inaccuracies that should have been a red flag for, I don't know, at least someone. Like how the infant's weight dropped from 7.26 pounds to 5.83 the day after she was delivered. "We were overjoyed after the birth of our baby, we did not pay any attention," Libor told a local newspaper. It sounds like papa Libor spends a lot of time at the pub, but was their Dr. drunk too?

Regardless, imagine hearing something like that! "The child you've raised since birth really isn't the child you birthed. Whoopsy! Our bad. But the good news: we do know the parents we gave your baby to. Oh, and you have theirs. Sorry 'bout that." How do you cope with that kind of news? What does it do to your relationship with your child? With your other child? What does it mean to be a "parent"? It's an imbroglio that lays bare heaps of moral and ethical perplexities. The potential intricacies and ramifications are, undoubtedly, life changing for everyone involved. It's not like you just meet the other couple for dinner and a Yankee Swap. Or do you?

All I know is that on April 23rd, the date our 3rd child is predicted to arrive, I'm not letting that kid out of my sight.


  1. Congratulations! Are you sure it’s just one. Otherwise you might have to buy a bigger house.

  2. By the way, the previous comment was from me (Andy), not Karen.

  3. (This really is from Karen) I am so thrilled for you guys! We need more friends with 3... too bad you don't live closer!

  4. Congratulations!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!


  5. Thanks Lin! Thanks Karens!

    And no way Fake Karen, we're staying put for a while. I do agree with Real Karen though, it is too bad. You guys should move to MN!

  6. Congratulations! So happy.


  7. Good idea keeping tabs on your soon to be new babe! And just to make sure, maybe bring along a sharpie marker for the bottom of his or her heel so you'll know for sure.

    And how truly horrible for those poor families.


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