April 04, 2007

I Want A New Drug

In case you haven't heard about Keith Richards' latest act of total rock n' rollness, let me fill you in. In a Tuesday interview with British music mag NME, Grandpa Keith copped to sniffing a foreign substance. From a guy who's as famous for his drug use as his guitar playing, this should be no startling admission. Except, in this case, the substance in question would be his English dad, Bert, who passed away in 2002.

"The strangest thing I've tried to snort? My father. I snorted my father. He was cremated and I couldn't resist grinding him up with a little bit of blow. My dad wouldn't have cared; he didn't give a shit. It went down pretty well and I'm still alive."

How disturbingly Freudian. I wonder if he followed it up with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. No comment yet from mum Doris. But yesterday, Keith's "people" were all over it. A Rolling Stones spokesperson issued a damage control statement saying: "It was an off the cuff remark, a joke, and it's not true. File under April Fool's joke." In an email to MTV, Richards' manager tried to laugh it off saying it was "said in jest...Can't believe anyone took [it] seriously."

I don't know about that. In the same article, Richards talks about his worst drug experience: shooting heroin that, unbeknownst to him, was laced with strychnine. "I was totally comatose but I was totally awake. I could listen to everyone, and they were like, 'He's dead, he's dead!', waving their fingers and pushing me about, and I was thinking, I'm not dead!" He declared the Arctic Monkeys & Bloc Party "rubbish" that in his days "wouldn't even get support billing for a Donny Osmond gig." And talks about his disappointment at the end of his 10 year run at the top of the Celebrity Death Pool. Although colorful, Keith's comments all seemed candid and honest.

Since the story became instant blog fodder, NME has issued their own statement regarding Richards' avowal, saying the remarks were "no quip, but came about after much thinking." Said interviewer Mark Beaumont: "He didn't offer the information, I had to ask him a couple of questions to get the information out of him. He didn't come straight out with that."

We will probably never know if if ol' Keef really did toot his departed dad's cremains or not. Personally, I suspect the legendary substance abuser did it; and then went out and really partied. While he may no longer be #1 in the Death Pool, this half of the Glimmer Twins may have a new ranking to make his daughters proud: the most shocking moment in rock & roll history. What do you think VH1?

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